- Convenient Supply: The package includes 8 Injector Blades, which is a 90-day supply, ensuring you have an ample amount of blades for an extended period.
- Easy Blade Replacement: Insert the key from your blade pack into the head of the Single Edge Razor, then push the slider towards the razor to effortlessly inject a new blade. Swap out your blade in less than 2 seconds without having to touch the actual blade itself.
- High-Quality Manufacturing: Our Black Label blades are expertly crafted in Seki City, blending advanced technology with centuries-old Japanese forging skills, ensuring the production of the world’s most renowned shaving blades.
- Perfectly Designed Cartridge: Each QuickLoadTM cartridge contains 8 carefully crafted blades, providing you with a long-lasting supply. Experience the satisfaction of a tactical reload every time you load a new blade.
- Enhanced Shaving Experience: Pair our Black Label blades with a SUPPLY razor for the ultimate shave. Benefit from the combination of our superior blades and a high-quality razor, ensuring a comfortable and precise shaving experience.
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